Let Your Light Shine
2025 Capital Campaign
Over the last eight years, our congregation has been blessed with an uncommon season of growth. During that time FPCNV has welcomed 97 new members (including 13 who have joined this year), and seen the number of young children in our church family increase dramatically. And against national trends of decline among mainline churches, FPCNV is a vibrant beacon of faith across all generations.
As we look to the future, our church board (the Session) is committed to ensuring that FPCNV can continue to nourish the faith of our members and community. Part of doing this includes ensuring that we have the needed infrastructure in place to meet the evolving staffing and space needs of our congregation. To that end, we are excited to announce the launch of our “Let Your Light Shine” Capital Campaign with a goal of raising $700,000.
Use this form to make your commitment.

Specific needs we hope to meet in the next year:
Finishing the sanctuary basement to provide additional storage space
Refreshing our spaces with new paint and door hardware
Clear signage to make our spaces visitor friendly
New tables and chairs for children in classrooms and large hall
Reimagining seating in main hall (tables and chairs)
Updating the library to become a multipurpose meeting space
Updating screens and virtual meeting technology in meeting spaces
Updating the nursery with improvements in safety and seating
Implementing energy saving measures
Updating trash cans / recycling bins
Updating the kitchen