October Session Highlights
Session Clerk - Donna Miller
Minutes from the September Session meeting and Sept 17th Congregational meeting were approved
Pastor - Rev. Bill Stone
Planning to lead an evening Bible Study to accommodate working members
Hoping to host retreat in early 2024 to plan for future and look at how to adjust ministries and programs to volunteer capacity
Communion was celebrated on October 8th
Officiated at the funeral of Dot Rady on October 7
Officiated at the funeral of Isabel Broshek on October 21
Associate for Children and Families - Rev. Hayley O’Connor
Was invited to attend innovative leaders conference in Ft Worth TX hosted by Presbyterian Foundation
Reviewing new Sunday School model of three classes + nursery
Recent Events: Field Trip to Fosterfields Farm, Family Movie Day and Confirmation Retreat
Upcoming Events: Faithful Families Lunch, Deck the Halls, Christmas Pageant and family Film
Mission and Outreach - Brenda Myers
Mental Health Association Dinner Nov 8th - Volunteers needed
No longer packing breakfast bags for Nourish NJ—not an effective mission opportunity for our church
Looking for new committee members
Worship and Music - Susan Fischer
Ms. Gareau leading children’s choir—to sing last Sunday in Oct
Christmas Pageant will be held Sunday morning on Dec 24th
Organ upgrades have been completed, will bless the instrument and announce to congregation on November 5th
Hoping to plan upcoming events: Organ concert with Joseph Hill, Cabaret performance, Sin-Along Movie (Jan 28th), Candlelight Evening Concert
Receiving positive feedback from contemporary music in worship
Faith and Society - Candace Weeks
Heard from new member Sam LaNasa about +More Perfect Union and event plans for November conversations
Discussed plans for book group on Demon Copperhead November 2
Planning another film event at Bernardsville Cinema (Barbie)
Membership - Michelle Vince
Discussed new member welcome process and creation of a “packet” to distribute to new members
Discussed upcoming events
Received letter of transfer for Shelby Family (to Grace Episcopal in Madison)
Stewardship - Robert Lecky
Discussed unpaid commitments for 2023 (collected 95% of pledges from 2022)
2024 campaign has received 41 pledges totaling $163,125 (45% of $362k goal).
Finance - Scott Noyes
Session approved updated fees for cremains vaults in memorial terrace
Session approved the construction of a third ceremonial to hold additional ashes
Session approved inter-fund transfers to balance transactions between operating account and various fund accounts
Anticipating $15k revenue shortfall for 2023 (mostly due to lower special gifts and hall rental fees than expected)
Finance has been reviewing the church’s insurance policies & needs
New credit card (Divvy) working well—will cancel American Express in November